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Platinum Wealth Financial Forum
Our mission is to provide the best public forums for discussing money, finance, investing and personal wealth. We invite seekers of knowledge and experts in all fields of finance to take advantage of our financial and investing forums to learn and share. Personal promotions are welcome, but only in designated areas, please contact support to ask where you can post promotions and how if you have not been contacted by a forum admin directly.


This thread contains the most up-to-date forum rules, It details the rules that members agreed to at registration. (You did read them, right?) Ignorance is not an excuse. 

Posting Rules

In order to keep our forums civil, organized and free of spam, we ask that members read and follow these guidelines. 

  • Promotion of your business, email, website or opportunity is only allowed in your profile and signature. In all other forums, posts that have no purpose other than to display a link, to promote, or to solicit, may be deleted. This rule does not apply to company representatives.
  • Affiliate Links are only allowed in your signature. Out-of-place affiliate links will be edited. Threads may be removed. 
  • Cross Posting by posting the same message in multiple forums is spamming and annoying. Duplicate posts will be deleted in all locations.
  • Dead Thread Revival by posting to an archaic topic that has seen no activity in several weeks is not good etiquette and any such posts might be removed. This will be open to interpretation by the mod in question.
  • Respect your fellow posters. 
  • All posts should be English. Afrikaans here and there is not a big issue, but for forum SEO and google compliance use English for everything. 
  • Also, please, no gambling or casino related posts, links or promotions of any type. 


Spam Policy 

As our financial community is burdened daily with fraudulent offers and get-rich-quick schemes we have a strict policy of removing spam and banning those that ignore our common-sense rules. 


Failure to follow our forum rules, or posting any of the following forbidden promotions will result in the post being deleted, or edited and moved to the spam forum. The member will be banned immediately if they have contributed only the spam, if a decent member makes a mistake we may let that go with a warning. Those here only to spam their offer should not register. Private message spamming should be forwarded to me. PM spammers will be banned.


Forbidden Promotions 

Platinum Wealth is for serious discussions around finance, investing and money making.


None of these known scams and sources of spam may be posted, promoted or linked to in any way (including signatures and private messages). 

  • Pyramid Schemes are expressly forbidden in all forms. 
  • Matrix Sites are automated pyramid schemes and are forbidden. 
  • Doublers are automated pyramid schemes and are forbidden. 
  • Randomizers are automated pyramid schemes and are forbidden. 
  • HYIPs are mostly blackbox pyramid schemes and are forbidden. 
  • Envelope Stuffing is a pyramid scheme variation and is forbidden. 
  • Paid to Search schemes are forbidden. 
  • Ad Placement is a pyramid scheme variation and is forbidden. 
  • Mystery Offers with no or little details are not allowed. 
  • Begging Requests are strongly discouraged. 


Financial Experts 

If you are a certified financial professional or a career expert in investing or credit, offering regular advice in our forums, we can assist you with an array of free advertising options and marketing advice for your online presence. Contact us for details. 

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